It all started when…

I found myself inside the admissions office of New England Institute of Technology. My parents and the admissions officer both looked at me as I read through the program offerings. Reading one after the other something jumped out at me, I had never heard the term, “Cyber Security & Network Engineering”. The admissions officer noticed my curiosity and pulled out a class breakdown sheet, as I read each line my excitement grew, I knew this was my future.

Notable Accomplishments

2022 - Studied and passed the CISSP certification exam

2021 - Built and implemented a scrum/agile strategy for managing security teams.

2020 - Designed and coded a semi-autonomous vulnerability management program.

2019 - Built a vulnerability management and incident response program from scratch.

2018 - Designed, documented and implemented a technical e-discovery program.

2017 - Used automated scripts to rapidly respond and remediate WannaCry.

2016 - Built a home lab for studying and testing new open source security technology.